


Ripple Of Positivity

Ripple Of Positivity: Study in Color | April 2017 | 24x36 | Acrylics on Canvas

Study In Color


Alzheimers Piece

Ripple Of Positivity: The Lone Drop - Blue Skies for Children | 2017 | 36x36 | Acrylic on Canvas

The Lone Drop

Brightly colored Painted donkey looking at you with a large mouth opened smile.

Dennis Frony Pony

Sloth Love



We Can Be Heroes

Dewdrops In The Garden

Dew Drops In The Garden




Giving back is a large part of what I believe in doing in my life. It is always who I have been and as I have found my mission in this world is to make it a brighter and more positive place. We are all given a limited amount of time on this planet, and I feel we must give back to those in need. I have found that by using my skills as an artist, I have the best chance of making the most difference, by doing what I love. The mission and goals of the Give back program is to work with non-profit organizations, and create an original art piece for their annual fundraising event or a place to make awareness of their cause. Sometimes this can be with collective thoughts and collaboration or just a simple, message of, “we trust you will give something with meaning”. Art can be so diverse and emote so many things in people. By working with the amazing non-profits and the people who are trying to make positive changes in our community, I can help create a visual awareness, through these collaborations. If you are truly doing the right things, at the right time with the right people, for the right reasons, the right things happen. Hopefully through my art work and community bonding, we can create a beautiful future together. #rippleofpositivity #yearofpurpose

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